Monday, August 11, 2008


The Pride of Denmark

It's strange that I had to go all the way to Denmark to take part in my first Pride event.

It was a pretty small affair, set up next to the splendid Copenhagen City Hall in the town square (RĂ„dhuspladsen).

A collection of around 20 neat pod-like tents provided information or sold products that you would expect to see at such an event - safe-sex guides, rainbow coloured nick-nacks and soft porn. I settled on supporting the event by treating myself to a couple of Tuborg beers - and, no, acting sweetly camp will not get me to pay 50 krone when it says 35.

A very small covered stage threatened to provide entertainment for a long while as some roady-type messed around with cables and speakers. Losing my patience, and not wanted to drink in the outside when the weather was started to spit, finished my beer and started to leave. Just then two things happened - a singer (Danish star Ida Corr) was produced and the skies opened.

Ready as I was to hang around to listen, I just wasn't dressed correctly for the downpour so I retreated off down Frederiksberggade in search of dry food and wet beer.

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